Help Prevent PTSD in Israel's Trauma Victims

We are mobilizing all our expertise to provide trauma care with IMFAs proven method that prevents the development of PTSD. Time is of the essence—studies show that early intervention dramatically increases the chances of preventing PTSD.

victims of the hostilities since Oct 7
+ 0
improvement in all PTSD
with IMFAs program
+ 0 %
treated with IMFAs comprehensive method
+ 0

Our goal

Holistic Healing for Israel’s
Mind Body and Spirit

Holistic Healing for Israel’s Mind Body and Spirit

Using IMFAs integrative trauma program during 5 days in a full board hotel and including a full personal and group treatment plan. With 3 months of continuing support to help the soldiers retain their gains.

5 days

Comprehensive Treatment plan with full room and board.

3 months

retrain their gains


full cost per recovery of someone suffering from trauma

IMFAs thorough care

5 days in a full board hotel and including a full personal and group treatment plan. With 3 months of continuing support to help the soldiers retain their gains.

Step 1

Increasing vitality and balancing body systems and help them build their personal physical and mental resilience

Step 2

Emotional treatments that create change and raise the participant's awareness of trauma and the internal emotional barriers

Step 3

Creating new awareness and finding meaning in life while choosing new life habits

"But it's simply world changing" - Eyal


"This workshop helps restore your ture strength" - Livne
